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Mobile Apps Development Training  Institute in Kalyan-Param Computer Education.

  • Android Jelly Bean
  • Windows Phone 8
  • Black Berry Cascades
  • iPhone iPad

Android Jelly Bean(Duration : 40 Hrs)

Mobile apps developmentWe train you on latest version of Android and prepare you for professional Android App Development. As a prerequisite you should have basic knowledge about programming constructs, Java as a programming language and should understand XML structure.

Preparatory Module-I

Procedural Programming using 'C' - Duration 60 Hrs. Introduction to procedural programming, 'C' character set, Constants, Variables, Keywords, Comments, Datatypes in 'C', Type declaration instructions, i/o instructions, Arithmetic instructions, Arithmetic operators, Increment / Decrement operators, Arithmetic assignment operators, Logical operators, Control instructions: if ... else, nested if ... else, Conditional operators, switch ... case, Loops, while, do ... while, for, break, continue, type-casting, single dimension array, multi dimension array, string, string functions, user defined functions, passing values to a function, returning a value from a function, pointers, pointer to pointer, pointer to an array, pointer to a string, pointer arithmetic, dynamic memory allocation, free, sparse matrix, data structures, structure pointer, linked lists, linked stack and queue, binary tree creation and traversal, union, enum, interrupt handling in 'C', disk file manipulation, sound, graphics, mouse programming.

Object Oriented Programming using 'C++' - Duration: 40 Hrs Constants, Variables, Keywords, Comments, Flexible type declaration instructions, i/o instructions, Operators, Arithmetic instructions, Control instructions : if ... else, nested if ... else, switch ... case, Logical operators, Conditional operator, while, do ... while, for, break, continue, type-casting, single dimension array, multi dimension array, String, String functions, User-defined functions, Passing by value, Returning a value, Pointers, Passing by reference, Class and object, Access modifiers, Constructor, Inline functions, Functions defined outside the class, Function overloading, Constructor overloading, Operator overloading, Inheritance, Multiple inheritance, Virtual function, Pure virtual function, Abstract class, Friend function, 'this' pointer, 'new' operator, stack and queue, Binary tree, File i/o, Binary i/o, Sound and graphics, Function templates.

Preparatory Module-II

HTML + CSS - Duration: 18 Hrs
HTML Structure, Tags (title, headings, paragraph, lists, hyperlinks, file, mailto, text formatting, images, color, background, table, frame, floating frame, marquee, form), inline multimedia, animated graphics, imagemap, CSS Syntax, grouping, class selector, id selector, comments, external style sheet, internal style sheet, inline styles, multiple style sheets

XML - Duration 18 Hrs. Introduction to XML, Where to use XML, XML Syntax - elements, attributes, validation, namespaces, CDATA, encoding

JavaScript - Duration 18Hrs. Client-side scripting, events and responding functions, literals, variables, data type conversion, control instructions, dialogues, document object, window object, date functions, string functions, form validation

Preparatory Module-III

Platform independent programming with Java SE 7 - Duration 60 Hrs. Understanding Java technology, JVM, Garbage collection, JRE, Taks of JVM, Class loader, Bytecode verifier, hardware and OS requirements Installing-Testing JDK 7, Setting environment variables, Understanding Classpath, Creating / Compiling / Troubleshooting / Running a simple Java application OOP in Java: Analysis and design, Abstraction, Classes as blueprints for objects, Attributes and behavior of class, Accessing object members, Information hiding, Encapsulation, Constructor, Default constructor, Source file layout, Packages

Directory layout and packages:Development, -d option, Deployment

Identifiers-Keywords-Data Types: Comments, Semicolons, Blocks, White spaces, Identifiers, Keywords, Logical-Textual-Integral-Floating point data types, Variables, Declarations and Assignments, Java Reference Types,

Constructing and initializing objects: Memory allocation, layout, explicit attribute initialization, Executing constructor, Assigning a variable, Assigning references, Pass by value, 'this' reference, Java coding conventions Expressions and flow control: Variables (scope, initialization), Operators (Precedence, Logical, Bitwise logical, Right-shift, Left-shift, String concatenation, Casting), if-else, switch, for, while, do-while, break, continue, label

Arrays: Declaration, Creating reference arrays, Initialization, Multi-dimensional arrays, Array bounds, Enhanced for loop, Resizing, Copying

Class design in Java: Subclassing, Access control, Overriding methods, Polymorphism (Virtual methods, Heterogeneous collections, Polymorphic arguments), 'instanceof' operator, Casting objects, Overloading methods, Variable arguments methods, Overloading constructors (invoking parent class constructor), Constructing and initializing objects, Object class, equals method, toString method, Wrapper classes, Autoboxing

Advanced class features: 'static' (class attributes, class methods, static initializers), 'final' (classes, methods, variables), Enumerated types (old-style, new enumerated type, advanced enumerated types), Static imports, Abstract classes, Interfaces, Multiple interfaces

Exceptions and Assertions: try-catch statement, Call stack mechanism, finally clause, Exception categories, Common exceptions, Method overriding and exceptions, Customized exceptions (throwing, handling), Recommended uses of Assertions, Runtime evaluation of Assertions

Collections and Generics Framework: The Collections API, Set, List, Map, Legacy collection classes, Ordering collections (Comparable, Comparator), Generics (Generic Set, Generic Map, Wild card type parameters), Refactoring existing non-generic code, Iterators, Enhanced for loop

I/O Fundamentals: Command line arguments, System properties, 'Properties' class, I/O Streams (data within streams), Byte Streams (InputStream, OutputStream), Character Streams (Reader, Writer), Node Streams, Buffered Streams, I/O Stream Chaining, Processing Streams, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream, PipedInputStream, PipedOutputStream, DataInputStream, DataOutputStream, ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream, Serilization (Object Graphs, Writing and Reading an Object Stream), InputStreamReader, OutputStreamWriter, Byte and Character conversions, Other Character encoding, FileReader, FileWriter, BufferedReader, BufferedWriter, StringReader, StringWriter, PipedReader, PipedWriter

Console I/O and File I/O: Writing to and reading from Standard I/O, Formatted input and output, 'File' object/tests/utilities, File stream I/O

Java GUI using Swing: Pluggable look and feel, Swing architecture, Swing packages, Swing containers, Components, Properties of components, Layout Managers, GUI Construction, Buttons, Text Components, Uneditable Information Display Components, Formatted Display Components, Other basic controls

GUI Event Handling: Understanding Event, Event Model (delegation, listener), Event Categories, Multiple Listeners, Developing Event Listeners (Event adapters, Handling using inner classes/anonymous classes), Concurrency in Swing

GUI based applications: Create a menu (JMenuBar, JMenu, JMenuItem, JCheckboxMenuItem), Colors

Multi-Threading: Creating-Starting-Terminating a Thread, Thread Scheduling, Testing Threads, Accessing Thread Priority, Putting Threads on Hold, Diff. ways to create thread, 'synchronized', The Object Lock flag, Thread states, Deadlock, 'wait' and 'notify' methods, Monitor model for synchronization, 'Producer' thread, 'Consumer' thread, 'SyncStack' class

Java Networking: Sockets, Setting up connection, Addressing connection, Port numbers, Java networking model, TCP/IP server, TCP/IP client

JDBC: Tiered architecture, JDBC API, JDBC drivers, JDBC-ODBC Bridge, Data Source Name, Database Management through Java application

Distributed computing using Java: Distributed computing environment, RMI Architecture, Client-Server application using RMI, RMI registry JAR Files, 'javadoc' tool, Documentation tags


Android Associate

Introduction: Open Handset Alliance(OHA), DalvikVM, Eclipse

Installations: Eclipse with ADT, Android SDK, Linking Android with Eclipse

Project Structure: src folder, gen folder, android library folder, assets folder, res folder, Layout XMLs, R.Java, Android Manifest XML, Referenced JAR Libraries, APK File, Auto-generated files

Android Application: Anatomy of an Android Application (Activity, Intent and IntentFilter, Intent Receiver), Android User Interfaces, Hierarchy of Screen Elements, Views, The AndroidManifest.xml

Android Virtual Device: Android emulator, Downloading and installing various versions of Android SDKs, Creating an AVD,

Perspectives in Eclipse: Understanding the Java and Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS) Perspectives, understanding the use of Console, The LogCat (Dalvik Debug Monitor service), V D I W E priorities of LogCat

Code: Creating a new Android Project, Creating a Custom Launcher Icon, Build SDK, Target SDK, Defining Packages, The MainActivity, Methods of an Activity, Life cycle of an Activity, The XML-Layout (activity_main.xml), The AndroidManifest.xml, Running the application

XML Layouts and Widgets: Handling Widgets from the Java Activity file, LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, AbsoluteLayout, TableLayout, FrameLayout, WebView, ImageView, TextView, EditText, Button, ToggleButton, CheckBox, Spinner, RadioButton, RatingBar, Password, Numeric, widgets, android:id, findViewById(), Event Listeners, Toasts

Exercise 1:  Create a Screen using all the layouts

Exercise 2:Developing a form with widgets and applying EventListeners in Java Activity File

Exercise 3:Developing a calculator

String Values: String Resources, String Arrays, App-name

Exercise: Using String-Arrays in ListViews and Spinners

Intents, Intent Filter and Intent Receivers: Using Intents, Starting (Sub)Activities, Context Class, Finding XML-defined Views in Java-Code, Handling Clicks to Views, Returning values from SubActivities, Passing Data to (Sub)Activities, How to build and use intents, Page Navigation, Permissions Emulator control in DDMS, Receiving SMS, OnCreate and OnStart methods of Activity

Exercise 1:Developing multiple screen application

Exercise 2:Receiving and recognizing SMS with payload

Media: Using Camera, Developing a Media Player, Developing a Video Player

Exercise 1 :Capturing an image and saving it

Exercise 2 :Developing a media player

Exercise 3 :Developing a video player

Android Professional

AndroidManifest.xml : <uses-permission>, <permission>, <instrumentation>, <service>, <provider>

Service: Create a Service, Start a Service, Stop a Service

Exercise : Create a Music Service

Layouts : QuickMenu, Activity States, Viewgroups, Tree-structured UI, Handling different Screen Resolutions, GridLayout, TabLayout, LayerLayout, ScrollView, Sliding Drawers, TimePicker, DatePicker, Calender, Analog Clock, Digital Clock, ViewFlipper

Screen Orientations: Portrait to Landscape and vice-versa screen orientation handling

Exercise: Creating a layout in both Portrait and Landscape mode

Layout using Java: Creating View Adapters and Layouts purely using Java, Focus, Select events, System.out.println() Exercise:Create Layouts in Java, Creating Custom Adapters

Customized User Interface : extending view object, onDraw method, SurfaceView, Canvas, Drawing Shapes, Exercise: Draw shapes on the screen using Java, Pending Intents

AVD : Adding Hardware Properties like Sensors, SD Card, Audio Support, Battery Support, GPS Support etc., Emulator Control, Device Control, Capturing screenshots of the AVD

Persistence: Creating and Sharing Bundles, SharedPreferences, File I/O, Content Provider, SQLite db (Cursor, ManagedQuery), Internal Storage (Phone Memory), External Storage(SD Card)

Exercise: One application on each of the above mentioned topics

SensorManager: Using Accelerometer, ProxymitySensor, Magnetic Sensor

Exercise: Developing a media player with 'Shake-controls'

Gestures: Creating gestures using GestureBuilder, Using created gestures

Exercise: Developing an app with gesture recognition

Animation: Frame animation and Tween animation

Exercise: Developing an app with 'Sequence Photography Animation'

Connectivity: ConnectivityManager, WiFiManager, Bluetooth Discovery

Device Information: Extracting the The International Mobile Station Equipment Identity (IMEI) number of the device, Retrieving the Device Information, Service Provider Information, Sim-card Information

Network App: Creating Web Browser and using web links, Linkify, auto-link, loadURL() etc.

Messaging and Telephony: Sending & Recieving SMS using PendingIntents, Sending Emails, Making a Call

Exercise: Developing a messaging and telephony app

Alarms and Notifications, Location Based Services: Obtaining the Maps API Key from Google, Permissions, LocationManager, LocationProvider, Criteria, MapActivity, MapView, MapController, LocationUpdater, GPS_UPDATE, setMapLocationCenter, Overlay, Point, OverlayController, Zoom Controls, Coarse Location, Fine Location

Exercise: Developing a custom Google Map based app


Windows Phone 8

Mobile Apps development Start from learning the basics of building apps for Windows Phone 8 and by the time you complete the course, you become a pro. As a prerequisite you should have basic knowledge about programming constructs, C# as a programming language and should understand XML structure.

Prerequisite : You must have some programming knowledge and have learnt C#.Net. Some level of database concepts are required. Familiarity with Visual Studio environment is added advantage.

Duration : 40 Hrs.

Syllabus : Installing Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Phone and Windows Phone SDK 8.0, SDK templates and tools

System requirements for Windows Phone Emulator, Network requirements, Hyper-V requirements Manifest Designer, Isolated Storage Explorer

Tiles and notifications : FlipTileData, CycleTileData, IconicTileData, Tile templates, Tile sizes and resolutions, Designing your Tile, Tile properties

Lock screen : Creating a lock screen icon, Setting app manifest extensions for the lock screen, Linking the lock screen settings screen from within your app, Adding code to change the lock screen background, Setting up a default lock screen background image, Handling parameters from the lock screen settings screen

Maps and navigation : Microsoft.Phone.Maps, Microsoft.Phone.Maps.Controls, Microsoft.Phone.Maps.Services, Displaying a Map, Specifying center and zoom level, Converting a Geocoordinate to a GeoCoordinate, Displaying landmarks and pedestrian features, Setting the cartographic mode, Setting the color mode, Setting multiple properties and animating transitions by using map views, Terms of use for map services, ms-drive-to, ms-walk-to

Location : How to get the phone's current location, How to continuously track the phone's location, How to run location-tracking apps in the background

Speech : voice commands, Creating a VCD file, Initializing the VCD file, Extracting URI parameters and executing voice commands, Localizing voice commands, Programmatically modifying phrase lists, Handling phone backups, GUI screens for voice commands, Voice command errors, speech recognition : Grammars, Presenting prompts, confirmations, and disambiguation choices, Customizing speech recognizer settings, Selecting a speech recognizer, Starting speech recognition, Handling issues with audio input, Working with speech recognition results, Text-To-Speech (TTS), Selecting a speaking voice, Starting TTS, SpeakSsmlFromUriAsync, TTS errors and exceptions, Speech design guidelines

Wallet : Wallet extensibility, Images for Wallet extensibility, Required capabilities, Registering as a Wallet extension, Wallet membership and deals, Wallet payments instruments, add Wallet item task.

Multi-resolution : Supported resolutions, Adapting your layout, Resolution-dependent backgrounds and assets, Splash screens, Tile and app icons

Direct3D and games : Launchers and choosers, Text input, determine the user-preferred UI language from a Direct3D app, determine theme colors from a Direct3D app, disable the lock screen from a Direct3D app, detect screen orientation from a Direct3D app, detect screen resolution from a Direct3D app, detect Back button presses from a Direct3D app

App models : XAML, Layout, Controls, Adding controls and handling events, display data in a grouped list in LongListSelector, Panorama control, Pivot control, WebBrowser control, Control tilt effect, create a custom indeterminate progress bar, Themes, Theme resources, apply theme resources, Text and fonts, App bar, App bar icon buttons, create an app bar using XAML, create an app bar using code, change app bar icon buttons and menu items dynamically, reuse an app bar on multiple pages, use different app bars in a single Pivot control

#WPToolkit : AutoCompleteBox, ContextMenu, CustomMessageBox, DateTimeConverters, DateTimePickers, Effects – SlideInEffect, TiltEffect and TurnstileFeatherEffect, ExpanderView, HubTile, ListPicker, LongListMultiSelector, Map extensions, PhoneTextBox, RatingControl, ToggleSwitch, TransferControl, Navigation transitions, WrapPanel Camera and photos : Lenses, Working with photos, Photo extensibility, Auto upload, Advanced capture APIs

Media : Music media library, Pictures media library, Background audio

Communications : VoIP, Bluetooth, Proximity, Incoming sockets, Windows.Net.Networking, Winsock native API, Data sense.

Data and extensibility : Storage, Custom contact store, File and URI associations, Search extensibility


Black Berry Cascades

Mobile Application DevelopmentWe teach Native App Development for BlackBerry Cascades and while still in the course, you will be developing professional apps for BlackBerry. As a prerequisite you should have basic knowledge about programming constructs, C++ as a programming language and should understand XML structure.

Prerequisite : Anyone who is interested in developing apps for BlackBerry can take up this course. You need to have hands-on knowledge of C++ and QML to learn BlackBerry app development. Some programming experience will help but is not essential. If you have not touched C++ and QML, we also offer a combined course on C++, QML and BlackBerry.

Duration : 40 Hrs.
Syllabus :

Introduction of Blackberry Operating System and BlackBerry 10 Native SDK
Life Cycle of Blackberry App, Installation details, Introduction to Development Environment, Setup, Components of Blackberry App
Prototyping tools, Wireframe design slides, Cascades Exporter plug-in for Photoshop, Building the UI
Application structure, Screens, stack of screens, Title bar, Actions, Content, Tab navigation, Drill-down navigation, Menus
Screen layout and components, Controls, Pickers and drop-downs, Lists, Selection controls (checkboxes, radio groups, toggle buttons)
Layouts, Stack Layouts, Dock Layouts, Absolute Layouts, Padding, Margins, Designing for different screen sizes and orientation, Resolution independence, Relative layouts, Adaptive assets, Orientation,
App integration, Invocation framework, Cards, Personal information management, Accounts, Calendar, Contacts, Messages, Notebooks, Communication, BBM, Telephony Services
NFC (Bluetooth handover, Sharing data, exchanging contact information)
Location, Positioning, Geocoding and reverse geocoding, Mapping 
Sensors, Accelerometer, Ambient light sensor, Compass, Gyroscope
Networking, Push Service, Headless applications
Data storage, Cloud storage
Notifications, Notifications in BlackBerry Hub, Notification dialogs
Adding graphics and multimedia, OpenGL ES, Camera, Audio/Video
Performance and battery life, Planning for performance, Extending battery life
Internationalization in your app, Accessibility, Developing a project that uses web services


iPhone iPad

Mobile Application DevelopmentYou will learn Objective-C as a strict superset of C and how to use Xcode IDE for developing iPhone/iPad apps. As a prerequisite, you should know basic programming constructs, working knowledge of C and Object Oriented Approach.

Prerequisite : You must know 'C' and 'C++' programming hands-on and must have a grasp of Object Oriented Concepts.

Duration : 40 Hrs.
Syllabus :


Introduction, What You Need to Begin iOS Programming?, Using Xcode IDE, iOS Application, Main.m, Adding Objective-C class, Interface, Method prototypes, Implementation, Method implementation, Method parameters, Returning value, NSLog, Format specifiers, Instance Methods, Calling Method, Factory Methods, Automatic Reference Counting, self, super, alloc, init, new, (id), Initializer methods, Generic Type Vs. Specific Type, Equality, nil, Properties, getter, setter, attributes, Dot syntax, Instance variables, Customize instance variable names, Instance variables not related to properties, Initialize instance variables from init, Designated Initializer, Custom accessor methods, Atomic and nonatomic, Managing Object Graph, Strong Reference Cycle, How to avoid strong reference cycle, strong / weak reference to manage relationships, Strong / weak references for local and non-property instance variables, Unsafe unretained references, Copy Properties, Customizing existing classes (Categories & Class extensions), Class Extensions, Using class extension to hide private information, Protocols

iPhone/iPad App Development:

Hello World App, Understand working of your App, iOS Human Interface Guidelines, Use TableView, Customize TableView Cells, Handle Row Selection, Add Property List to TableView, Adding Splash Screen to App, Delete Row from TableView, Use Storyboard to design User Interface, Adding text, images, Animation, Web view, Touch events, Multitouch, Navigation & Tabs, Multiscreen apps, Custom Views, Scrolled Views, Tables, Alerts & Progress, Buttons, Use Segue to pass data, Tab Bar Controller and Web View, Add Search bar to TableView, Core Data, UICollectionView, Flow Layout with Header and Footer, Single or Multiple Selection in CollectionView, iCloud, TableView using Storyboard, RSS Reader App, Camera App, Video recording and Playback, Local Notifications, Social Media Integration (Email, SMS, Facebook, twitter), UIPageViewController, Slide-out Sidebar, Use Parse to create Cloud Backend,

Interaction via the internet (webviews, sync/async image download, XML), Persistent Storage (plist & SQLite, CoreData), Map integration, Notifications, Accelerometer, iPod Integration, Audio Integration, How iAds work, iAd integration, How In-App purchase works, In-App purchase integration, iCloud, Reminders, Using instruments tool, Checking for allocations, Checking for memory leaks
