Degree College - BCA-Bachelor Of Computer Applications from Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune offered at Win Informatics Network college of Information Technology in Kalyan , Dombivli, Thane District

BCA: Bachelor Of Computer Applications

YCMOY - Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik

University: Tilak Maharashtra University, Pune
Duration : 3 Years (Six Semesters)
Eligibility : 12th Pass Or Diploma in Engineering (From BTE)
Lateral Entry To Direct Second Year: 3 Years Diploma In Computer Application/IT from BTE

  • Syllabus
  • Exam
  • Admission
  • FAQ
First Year
Code Course Name Marks
Subjective Online + Assignments Total
BCA23-101 C Programming 60 40 100
BCA23-102 Mathematics 60 40 100
BCA23-103 Computer & Network Fundamentals 60 40 100
BCA23-104 Operating System 60 40 100
BCA23-105 English 30 20 50
VAC109 Gender Perspectives 30 20 50
BCA23-107 Logic Development - 50 50
BCA23-108 Lab- C Programming ( Practical + Mock + Assignment) 30 20 50
Course Course Name Marks
Subjective Online + Assignments Total
BCA23-201 Object Oriented Programming using C++ 60 40 100
BCA23-202 Statistics 60 40 100
BCA23-203 Structured System Analysis and Design 60 40 100
BCA23-204 Principles and Practices of Management-I 60 40 100
BCA23-205 Communication Skills 30 20 50
VAC211 Moral Values - 50 50
BCA23-208 Introduction to Block Chain - 50 50
BCA23-209 Lab-Object Oriented Programming using c ++ ( Practical + Mock +Assignment) 30 20 50
Second Year
Course Course Name Marks
Subjective Online + Assignments Total
BCA23-301 Advanced Web Designing 60 40 100
BCA23-302 Database Management System(DBMS) 60 40 100
BCA23-303 Environmental Studies 60 40 100
BCA23-304 Principles and Practices of Management - II 60 40 100
BCA23-305 Marathi 30 20 50
SEC301 Advanced Excel - 50 50
BCA23-307 Introduction to IoT - 50 50
BCA23-308 Lab-Advanced Web Designing ( Practical + Mock +Assignment) 30 20 50
Course Course Name Marks
Subjective Online + Assignments Total
BCA23-401 Advanced Database Management System 60 40 100
BCA23-402 Java Programming 60 40 100
BCA23-403 Software Testing & Quality Assurance 60 40 100
BCA23-404 Unified Modeling Language(UML) 60 40 100
BCA23-405 Content Writing 30 20 50
BCA23-406 Soft Skills 30 20 50
VAC406 Understanding India - 50 50
BCA23-408 Lab- Java Programming( Practical + Mock + Assignment) 30 20 50
BCA23-409 Lab Advanced Database Management System( Practical + Mock +Assignment) 30 20 50
Third Year
Course Course Name Marks
Subjective Online + Assignments Total
BCA23-501 Python Programming 60 40 100
BCA23-502 Linux 60 40 100
BCA23-503 C# Basics - 50 50
BCA23-504 E-Commerce 60 40 100
BCA23-505 Data Mining - 50 50
BCA23-506 Business Applications 30 20 50
BCA23-507 Management Information System 60 40 100
BCA23-508 Lab- Python Programming ( Practical + Mock + Assignment) 30 20 50
BCA23-509 Lab-Linux ( Practical + Mock + Assignment) 30 20 50
Course Course Name Marks
Subjective Online + Assignments Total
BCA23-602 Android Application Development 60 40 100
BCA23-603 Cloud Technology 60 40 100
BCA23-604 Project 60 40 100
BCA23-605 Organizational Behavior 30 20 50
SEC401 Digital Marketing 30 20 50
BCA23-606 Internship - 100 100
BCA23-608 Lab- Android Application Development(Practical + Mock + Assignment) 30 20 50
BCA23-609 Lab-Cloud Technology (Practical + Mock + Assignment) 30 20 50
Important Dates To Be Remembered
Events Dates

Starting date of admission for 1st/2nd/3rd Year

Last date of admission for 1st/2nd/3rd Year

Last date of admission with late fee for all years

1st June

31st July

30th August

Fee Structure :
Installments scheme available on request. 
You can pay in cash or cheque also. 
Fees and syllabus are subject to change without notice.
Fees once paid is not transferable and refundable in any situation.
Students are requested to keep all receipts safely till end of the course.